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Class 4 gambling and TAB venue consent

It is necessary to apply for consent from Buller District Council for gaming machines and TAB venues.

'Class 4' gambling is essentially gaming machines in pubs and clubs (i.e. outside a casino). Class 4 gambling may only be conducted by a corporate society and only to raise money for an authorised (e.g. community and non-commercial) purpose.

TAB venues are premises that are owned or leased by the New Zealand Racing Board and where the main business carried on at the premises is providing racing betting or sports betting services under the Racing Act 2003.

When do you require consent from Council?

  • to establish a new Class 4 venue
  • to increase the number of gaming machines at an existing Class 4 venue to more than the number operating at that venue on 22 September 2003, or more than the number previously consented to by Council
  • to establish a new TAB venue
  • if it’s the first time there is an application for a Class 4 venue licence for a venue that did not hold that licence on 17 October 2001

Council will consider applications for consent in accordance with its Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venue Policy

Submitting to a Class 4 Gambling and TAB application

Any person may make a submission on an applications by delivering a written submission to Council’s Westport office, posting to Buller District Council, PO Box 21, Westport 7866 or emailing [email protected]. Submissions can also be made online.

Applications can be inspected at the offices of the Buller District Council, 4-6 Brougham Street, Westport during the hours of 8.30am to 4.30pm, the Sue Thomson Casey Memorial Library or on Council’s website.

You can find out more about Class 4 Gambling requirements on the Department of Internal Affairs website.