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BDC receives $13.2M funding approval from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for reinstatement of Buller flood damaged local roads

02 Dec 2022

Buller District Council has today received $13.2m in funding for the reinstatement of the roads in the Buller District that were damaged by the February 2022 flood event. $1.5m of this was received after the event to carry out emergency repairs.

Manager infrastructure delivery Eric de Boer says: “We are delighted to receive this funding support from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency which will enable us to restore our local road network back to its condition prior to the February event. Repairs range from extensive road reinstatement to minor clean up works.”

The February 2022 rain events were wide reaching across the region with some areas such as the Karamea Bluff and Denniston Roads particularly hard hit and suffering extensive damage.

The Buller region relies heavily on our roading infrastructure with isolated communities requiring a safe and reliable road network for personal travel and for access for emergency services and also for heavy vehicles to truck goods to and from these communities. Mr de Boer says, “This remedial work will allow our communities to continue to thrive and provide greater resilience to our road network. Reliable transport networks are key to a sustainable and prosperous economy and community.”

From the time of the event, a team of multi-disciplinary engineers and project managers have been working to identify the damage, provide engineered solutions, and cost estimates for discussions with Waka Kotahi. A robust procurement process in accordance with Government rules of sourcing has been carried out to deliver the works with the successful contractor (or contractors), ensuring that the remedial works are to be delivered safely and in accordance with the proposed design solutions and budget.

As the damage was significant; the remedial work required to return the network service levels is expected to take up to 24 months to complete. Strong expressions of interest have been received from a number of tenderers wishing to be involved in the rebuild work. Some of the works will be undertaken by BDC’s road maintenance contractor. Contractors will endeavour to keep the roads open as far as practicable whilst delivering these repairs. Road repair crews will make an effort to minimise their impact on the traveling public but as this is a large repair programme there will be impacts and delays to journey times.

This funding is another major step forward for the Buller District in recovering from the February events.

further information please contact:
Eric de Boer - Manager Infrastructure Delivery
[email protected]