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Buller District Council appoints acting chief executive

01 Nov 2022

At its meeting last week, Buller District Council appointed Rachel Townrow as its acting chief executive.

Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “The appointment of an acting chief executive had to wait until the new council was elected.”

Rachel Townrow has been filling the role of deputy chief executive at council for some time. Part of the deputy chief executive role is to step in to deputise for the chief executive if needed.

Mr Cleine says: “Even though Sharon Mason won’t depart Westport until early December, it was important to make the appointment promptly.

The decision provides certainty and reassurance to the community and staff. It also creates a reasonable handover period to ensure a smooth transition when Sharon goes.”

Council has also resolved to utilise Wellington based recruitment firm Jackson Stone to run a comprehensive recruitment for the new permanent chief executive. This work will get underway shortly.

Mr Cleine says: “The appointment of Ms Townrow as acting chief executive is not an indication that she has the inside running for the permanent role.

This is an entirely separate process and Rachel or any other senior staff is more than welcome to apply for the permanent role through that process.”

Ms Townrow will commence as acting chief executive from Friday 2 December 2022 onwards.


For more information contact:
Buller District Mayor
Jamie Cleine
[email protected]