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Buller District Council secures funding for local arts festivals

19 Sep 2023

Community groups hosting established arts-related events in Buller over the next 12 months are set to benefit from extra funding from Creative New Zealand 

Buller District Council has received $6,826.48 to support established festivals which celebrate the life experiences, stories, cultures, and regional identities of New Zealanders. Applications are open now and close on Tuesday 24 October 2023. 

Council’s acting group manager community services Shelley Jope says: “This is a fantastic opportunity for applicants to take advantage of the additional funding on offer, and a chance to reinvigorate the local arts scene.”   

This is a one-off fund that aims to help alleviate the impact COVID-19 has had on the arts sector, and is intended: 

  • To help artists and their communities adapt and thrive as we move beyond the effects of COVID-19. 
  • To further improve access, equity, and arts participation. 

Applicants must have delivered a festival at least once in the previous five years (this can include digital presentations) and should include evidence of previous delivery in their application. New festivals should apply under the standard Creative Communities funding stream. 

The Creative Communities sub-committee, made up of arts representatives and Councillors, will meet mid-November 2023 to assess the applications and distribute the funds. Applicants will be contacted shortly after. 

Mrs Jope says: “People have a month to apply, so we recommend taking the time to get a really good proposal together that meets all the criteria and sourcing any supporting documents that would help the application.” 

A festival, for the purpose of the fund, is defined as involving an integrated programme of events and activities featuring one or more artforms, from any cultural tradition, that takes place within a defined area or region over a designated period of time.  

Further information about this fund, including the application form, can be found on Council’s website: 


For further information please contact: 
Acting Group Manager Community Services  
Shelley Jope 
[email protected]