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Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venue Policy out for public consultation

26 Jul 2023

How should gambling venues be managed in Buller in the future? This the question council wants feedback on as part of the proposed new Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venue Policy consultation over the coming weeks.

The Buller District Council, under the Gambling Act 2003 and the Racing Industry Act 2020, must have a Class 4 Venue and Board (TAB) Venue Policy, that needs to be reviewed every three years.   

Council’s acting chief executive officer Sean Judd says: “Council wanted to include the community’s view right from the start when reviewing how gambling venues are managed in Buller.”

Council has identified five key issues that the policy needs to address to manage gambling in the district. These are:

  • The number of gaming machines allowed in the district
  • Number of venues in the district
  • Venue location for both gambling venues and board (TAB) venues
  • Number of gambling machines per venue (either the 9 permitted under the Act or fewer)
  • Relocation of licenses to other venues either permitted or not.

Each of these can be managed through one of three overall options. These options are keeping the status quo, applying certain limits, or putting in place a sinking lid approach.

Mr Judd says: “Councillors saw this review as an opportunity to listen carefully to our communities' voice and arrive at a solution that fits the community's needs, rather than presenting a suggestion and getting feedback on what Council thinks is the best way forward.”

Council encourages residents to read the Statement of Proposal including a detailed description of each option and key issue.

Mr Judd says: “We want to hear especially from stakeholders who have a vested interest in the topic and are approaching them directly. However, everyone is encouraged to have a read and make a submission to make sure we have a Class 4 Venue and Board (TAB) Venue Policy that fits Buller.”

The consultation period is open now and closes at 4.30pm on 21 August 2023. After considering all submissions, Council will agree on one option per key issue and make changes to the current Class 4 Gambling and Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) Venue Policy 2018. 

Mr Judd says: “This will be the base to draft a proposed new policy. With this proposed new policy Council will go out for a second consultation process to collect the community's feedback on the final policy. This will most likely be in early 2024.”

To find out more visit council’s website Submissions can be made in writing or online. Copies of documents and submission forms can be found at Buller district libraries, Council offices and the Karamea and Ngakawau Information Centres.

Key dates for the consultation

  • 24 July 2023 - Consultation opens and residents can make a submission.
  • 21 August 2023 - Consultation closes.
  • October 2023 - If you indicate on your written submission that you wish to speak to your submission you will be given a time slot during the hearings.
  • November 2023 - After considering all submissions, Council will decide on one option for each key issue which will form the basis for the proposed new policy.
  • Early 2024 – A further consultation on the proposed new Class 4 Gambling and TAB Venue Policy will be undertaken.

Notes to the reader:

A policy is a document which guides council’s decision making on a particular issue.  In this case council is obligated to have a policy to guide it when it is considering any applications for new venues to be used for Class 4 Gambling activities or TABs which are stand alone.


further information please contact:
Sean Judd
Acting Chief Executive Officer 
[email protected]