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Community is encouraged to get informed about the Draft 2023-2024 Annual Plan

05 May 2023

Buller residents are encouraged to read council’s Draft 2023-2024 Annual Plan to find out what council intends to do over the next 12 months. 

The 2023 – 2024 Draft Annual Plan sets out how Council intends to deliver on commitments made in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan (LTP).   

As previously signalled, this year will be slightly different in that council intends to inform people in Buller about key topics of the plan, rather than carry out a formal consultation. This is because council considers that the Annual Plan is not significantly or materially different to what was proposed in the LTP. 

Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “The key thing for residents to know is that we want to keep the community informed about what we are planning to do, and how it will affect people in Buller. We’re not seeking submissions, but we welcome feedback.”  

Some of the key areas of focus for the draft 2023-2024 Annual Plan include Westport water, funding flood recovery costs, setting rates, Road to Zero funding, as well as Three waters reform and targeted rates. Council also outlines its financial performance and specific initiatives like the ongoing rates review and its intention to engage with the community and stakeholders on the next stages of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan.  The plan also signals council’s intent to consult on the next 10-year Long Term Plan (2024-2034) in the coming 12 months. 

Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “While we are not formally consulting on this Annual Plan, we will begin the LTP process with our communities towards the latter part of this year before following a more traditional consultation process early 2024.  

The LTP pre-engagement and consultation are a great chance to check in and see if the priorities in the LTP are still relevant. It is an opportunity to shape our district for the next 10 years together, hear what matters to you, where we should focus on, and invest in.”    

How to find out more 

Residents can read the Draft Annual Plan on council’s website or pop in to have a read at Council facilities in Westport and Reefton, as well as the Sue Thomson Casey Memorial Library in Westport, the DOC Visitor Centre in Punakaiki, the Karamea Information Centre, and the Northern Buller Resource Centre.  

How to find out more and give feedback 

You can provide feedback or ask questions about details of the plan by: 

  • Email: [email protected]   
  • Online form: 2023-2024-Annual-Plan Feedback Form  
  • Post:  Buller District Council, PO Box 21, Westport 7866  
  • Talk to us: You can talk to your elected members about the Annual Plan. Find out how to get in touch. 
  • Online event: We will be holding a livestreamed online event with the Mayor on the Tuesday 16 May at 5.30pm. The Mayor will summarise what’s in the draft plan and take questions. You can join this online event via a ZOOM link  or watch the recording on council’s YouTube channel. 

Key dates 

  • Monday 8 May Community feedback welcomed 
  • Tuesday 16 May Mayor’s online event  
  • Sunday 28 May Community feedback closes
  • 7 June Public workshop with Councillors 
  • 28 June Council to adopt the Annual Plan 
  • 1 July Annual Plancomes into effect. 


further information please contact: 
Mayor Jamie Cleine 
[email protected]