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Community to have their say on the Draft West Coast Regional Speed Management Plan

14 Mar 2024

The West Coast community can give feedback on the Draft West Coast Regional Speed Management Plan (the plan) over the coming four weeks.

The plan is a comprehensive document setting out the ten-year vision for speed management on the West Coast and outlines the first three years of implementing the proposed changes around schools and high-risk, high-benefit local roads and areas.

The West Coast Regional Council, in partnership with the Buller, Grey, and Westland District Councils, has developed the plan to create a safer road network on the West Coast.

The plan excludes State Highways, which are covered by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi's interim Draft Speed Management Plan 2023.

Over the first three years between 2024 and 2026, the plan will focus on changing the speed limits around schools, and in high-risk, high-benefit local roads and areas (e.g. places with a high concentration of people like town centres), and other areas the community identifies as important.

To determine the appropriate speed limits in these areas, staff from all four councils have reviewed the speed limits, considering the national guidelines for safe and appropriate speeds, with input from the local community, and insights from key local stakeholders.

In Buller, the plan proposes to lower the speed limit around eight schools, and seven high priority roads/high priority areas. Location maps showing the proposed new speed limits for the local roads are included in the plan. 

For the schools the plan proposes permanently lowering the speed limit to 30km/h to enhance safety and encourage more children and parents to walk or bike to school.

To create a safer environment for all road users, the speed limit in the selected high-priority roads and areas would be lowered to the proposed speed limits as shown on the location maps.

Council's website has a list and location maps of the schools, high-priority roads and areas under consideration in Buller, along with the current and proposed speed limits.

Councillors will consider the community’s feedback and pass recommendations to the Regional Transport Committee to incorporate into the final Speed Management Plan. Once the plan has been approved by the Director of Land Transport, the district councils will implement the changes over the next three years.

If the draft plan is approved, the Buller District Council aims to change the speed on local roads outside schools by end of June 2024. The proposed speed changes for high-priority roads and areas in Buller will be implemented by end of June 2026.

Council wants to hear what the Buller community thinks about the proposed changes by 5 pm on 16 April 2024. The community's feedback will help inform the final Speed Management Plan.

Find out more and give your feedback on council’s website.

Notes to the reader

The Regional Transport Committee is chaired by the West Coast Regional Council and includes representatives from the different district councils and other lead agencies. It includes two representatives from the WCRC, one representative from each local council on the West Coast, one representative from NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, and one representative from the Department of Conservation.


For further information please contact:
Michael Duff
Group Manager Infrastructure
[email protected]