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Council appoints independent chair to the Risk and Audit Committee

16 Dec 2022

Council has resolved to appoint Sharon Roche as the independent chairperson of its Risk and Audit Committee.  

The role was advertised over November and December in an open application process. Council received two applications and considered both during the public excluded part of this week’s Ordinary Council meeting.

Council resolved to appoint local accountant Sharon Roche to the role. Her appointment covers the current triennium, continuing through to 2025.

Buller Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “Sharon Roche brings an excellent mix of local knowledge, governance experience, professional accounting and audit expertise to the role.”

Council resolved that the remuneration for the role is $25,000 per annum and any expenses are handled in line with the Remuneration Authority determinations for elected members.

Appointing an independent chair to the Risk and Audit Committee is considered best practice and recommended by the Office of the Auditor General.

Mayor Jamie Cleine has been the interim chair of the Risk and Audit Committee until an independent chair was appointed.


For more information contact:
Buller District Mayor
Jamie Cleine
[email protected]