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Council’s response to Exposure Draft TTPP

17 Mar 2022

Buller District Council’s submission to the Exposure Draft of Te Tai o Poutini Plan (TTPP) addresses five main areas.

In the submission, council highlights its concern about mapping approaches that will result in significant implications on property value, resale, and insurance for Westport’s ratepayers.

Buller District Councillors are concerned about the absence of flood protection infrastructure within flood hazard modelling and mapping, and the proposed approach.

The submission suggets that Buller needs a plan that will enable a prosperous and vibrant district that is able to adapt to inevitable future challenges, whilst preserving our treasured ways of life and valued distinctive natural environment.

Council’s submission seeks to enable a district plan that supports and achieves the Buller District’s Vision and Community Outcomes as outlined in its 2021 – 2031 Long-term Plan.

In the submission, the West Coast Regional Council is asked to consider zoning across the wider Charleston and Virgin Flat areas because they may require rezoning to reflect development activity.

Council says it understands the General Rural Zone is the largest zone across the West Coast and provides for primary production across the region. It also acknowledges the approach within the TTPP to encourage subdivision for residential development away from the General Rural Zone by enabling a more permissive approach to subdivision within the Rural Lifestyle and Settlement Zones. Council also recognises and supports the more permissive approach to subdivision generally by making it a controlled activity as opposed to retaining its current discretionary status.

Of concern is the minimum lot size of 20 hectares for each allotment within the General Rural Zone because this will be less enabling for the rural communities within the district. A less stringent approach is suggested to better meet the needs of the Buller District.

Additionally, changing non-compliance with the subdivision standards to a restricted discretionary activity, as opposed to a discretionary activity, for allotments down to a minimum size may be warranted.

While supporting the general approach of enabling of mining activity already lawfully established, council is concerned about effects on natural environment values from progressive mining activities. And how those currently captured under the resource consenting process will be protected under the proposed new rules in the absence of the Resource Management Act (RMA).

Greater clarification and thought around this permitted activity rule to ensure that the district’s indigenous biodiversity remains protected under Section 6c of the RMA was suggested.

Council will make a more detailed submission to the Draft TTPP when it is released.


413 word count

For more information please contact:
Buller District Council
Mayor Jamie Cleine
[email protected]