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Council to hold a water fluoridation workshop

12 Dec 2022

Councillors will come together on Wednesday to discuss potential fluoridation of the town water supplies in both Reefton and Westport.

Councillors will come together on Wednesday to discuss potential fluoridation of the town water supplies in both Reefton and Westport.

Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) wrote to Council in November 2022 asking for a comment on the estimated financial cost of adding fluoride to the drinking water, as well as the date by which Council would be able to comply with a direction to fluoridate.

Buller Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “Council will meet to have a thorough discussion around this health directive. We are aware adding fluoride to the water supply can be a controversial issue, however the decision-making on fluoridation has been taken out of Council’s hands and sits with the health authorities.

After the workshop, Council will formulate a reply for the Ministry of Health, which needs to be completed by early February.”

The public is welcome to attend the workshop on Wednesday 14 December starting 12.30pm at the Clocktower Chambers.


In July this year, the Ministry of Health directed 14 local authorities around New Zealand to add fluoride to some or all of their water supplies. It is expected that local authorities who are directed to fluoridate will be invited to apply for funding for capital projects associated with this work. The letter to Buller District Council was part of a second wave of requests to 27 further local authorities in regard to this topic.

Around half of all New Zealanders currently are connected to water supplies that have fluoridated water.

The Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021 shifted decision-making on fluoridation from local authorities to the Director-General of Health on the basis that it is a health-based decision.


For more information contact: Buller District Mayor
Jamie Cleine
[email protected]