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Council's property rationalisation enters third wave

27 Mar 2023

A third group of properties may soon be on the market as Buller District Council continues to work through its Property Rationalisation Project.

One of the financial strategies Council included in its Long-Term Plan was for realising financial opportunities through the sale of surplus land and buildings which are not utilised.

In a report due before council on Wednesday, a third group of properties, five in total in Buller, have been identified as proposed to be sold as part of the Property Rationalisation Project. Council's approval this week is required to proceed and put these properties on the market.

Four properties are in Denniston and one in Waimangaroa. The four individual sections in Denniston range in size from 169m2 to 506m2 and are located around the Gillies Street/Boswell Street intersection. The property in Waimangaroa is a rural zoned, 809m2 section.

The first two groups of properties were outlined in the reports to the 30 March 2022 and 27 April 2022 Council meetings. Two properties have been sold, one is under offer and a further three are being actively marketed. A number of other properties are going through legal processes ahead of being released for sale.

Group manager community services Krissy Trigg says: “This is a practical way for council to try to realise assets that it isn't utilising and open up development opportunities for residents at a time where accommodation is tight. People are still wanting to buy in Westport and this assists with people getting into their own homes"

Further property divestment options will be reviewed by Council as the project continues.


For more information please contact:
Group manager community services

Krissy Trigg

[email protected]