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Design phase of Westport’s Infrastructure Acceleration Funding projects commences

29 Feb 2024

Buller District Council is progressing important design work for planned infrastructure projects in Westport, which will help unlock land for development. The detailed design phase is expected to be complete by the end of 2024.

The IAF funding is specifically applicable to infrastructure projects that enable new housing and cannot be transferred to flood recovery work.

The projects underway relate to provision of transport and water services which is supported by $13.6 million in Crown funding from the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF).

Westport is currently experiencing significant long-term unmet housing demand across its greater residential area, and the IAF-supported infrastructure will assist in opening up new developable land in an area at lower risk of flood and earthquake damage.

It is expected the infrastructure will enable up to 400 new homes to be built within the Alma Road development area over a 15–20-year period.

With its naturally raised aspect, this location will provide the Westport community with increased future-proof housing options, away from existing flood-prone areas.

Developing new housing options on higher ground is compatible with the aims of the Resilient Westport flood management programme, which operates under the Protect, Avoid, Retreat and Accommodate (PARA) framework.

The planned infrastructure projects include design of new stormwater culverts, freshwater and wastewater mains, an arterial road and bridge upgrade, and an extension of the new cycleway and footpath along Alma Road between the temporary village and McPaddens Road.

Buller District Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “These projects will allow us to open up development in an area that is far more suitable for the future location of Westport based on our knowledge of what the river can do, and will do, more regularly in the future.

“Demand for housing in Buller continues to grow alongside strong employment and economic growth in the region. The IAF-supported projects will help ensure Westport continues to grow and flourish”.

Increasing the accommodation options available will help ease the strain on housing, better providing for both transient and permanent workforces, alongside strengthening the community’s resilience against future climate events.

Background information

The Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF) is administered by Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities on behalf of the Crown. It is designed to help local councils fund critical infrastructure – such as transport, water or flood management – to unlock development and enable new homes to be built in areas of high housing need by making a contribution to councils’ share of infrastructure.

Payments are made to councils as the infrastructure projects reach key milestones.

Further information: Infrastructure Acceleration Fund :: Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities (


 For further information please contact:
Mayor Jamie Cleine
[email protected]