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Extended submission period for water and wastewater rates changes

20 May 2024

The submission period for the proposed changes to wastewater and water rates has been extended to 3 pm June 4, 2024. This extension allows affected ratepayers additional time to consider their submissions.  

The extension applies exclusively to submissions on water and wastewater rates. All other submissions for the Enhanced Annual Plan must be submitted by today, 4.30pm May 20, 2024.  

The information provided to the individual ratepayer was over and above what was required to be given. Each property owner has a different impact from the changes, and we wanted to provide the impacted property owners with specific information relating to their situation. We have worked carefully to ensure that the information provided to the community was correct. While we would ideally have had the information out sooner, the volume of work involved was higher than what was expected. We got it out as quickly as we possibly could. 

Additionally, prolonged postal services in Westport caused some letters to arrive much later than anticipated. Despite this delay, all submissions will be collated and included for consideration during the planned hearing days. Staff will process these submissions as they come in.  

The Council acknowledges that there may be gaps in the current data for property connections versus what exists on the property. This data has not been consistently maintained in the past. Each letter sent includes a form that allows property owners to object to the correctness of their data and request a review by the Council. The Rating Act already allows ratepayers to object to their data, and the Council will review and make necessary changes to ensure accuracy. We want to reassure you that your submissions will be thoroughly reviewed and considered in decision-making.  

Mayor Jamie Cline states, "We deeply understand the frustrations caused by the delays and want to assure all affected ratepayers that we are taking their concerns seriously. We are committed to ensuring everyone has adequate time to review and respond to the proposed changes. By extending the submission period, we aim to gather comprehensive feedback to inform our decisions. We strongly encourage everyone to use this extended period to submit their views." 

 This extension provides four weeks from the date the letters were received, giving the minimum one-month submission required in the Local Government Act 2002.  


For further information contact: 
Chief Financial Officer 
Douglas Marshall 
[email protected]