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Flood wall designs to be tabled at upcoming Westport Rating District Joint Committee meeting

21 May 2024

The members of the Westport Rating District Joint Committee will be walked through the plans for the flood protection, planned for Westport, at Wednesday’s meeting.

Information on the detailed design and staging of the proposed stopbanks and flood walls will be presented to Committee members.
As part of the design phase of the Westport Flood Protection Project, the West Coast Regional Council has undertaken extensive flood modelling work.

The plans include a combination of stopbanks, ‘Planter-Box’ stopbanks, concrete flood walls, wooden flood walls and professional portable flood barriers. The total length of the combined protection scheme, as currently envisaged, totals around 16km.

West Coast Regional Council Chief Engineer Peter Blackwood will provide the Committee with an update on the plans, staffing, current progress, forecast work for the coming months, as well as the overall projected timeframes and budget.

“This is a significant milestone for the Westport Flood Protection Project,” says West Coast Regional Council Chief Executive Darryl Lew.

“With a solid team in place, funding confirmed and detailed stopbank plans developed, real progress is underway to enhance the resilience of the Westport community.”

Landowners who are affected by the design will be engaged with directly, with wider consultation expected on the project under the Resource Management Act.

The Westport Rating District Joint Committee is scheduled to meet at 10.00am, Wednesday 22 May at the Clocktower Chambers in Westport.

Members of the public are welcome to attend to listen to the joint committee meeting. They have an opportunity to address the joint committee for no more than five minutes in the public forum at the beginning of the meeting.


Media Contact:
Amanda South
Senior Communications Advisor
Resilient Westport
[email protected]
Phone: 027 201 5810