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Green light for Reefton’s new service hub

07 Oct 2022

Plans to merge the Reefton Visitor Centre (RVC) and Buller District Council’s Reefton Service Centre (RSC) are moving along with the new service hub opening its doors on Monday 21 November 2022.

A consultation process was completed with all staff from both sites, council-wide employees, and union representatives. The outcome signalled support for the co-location of the two facilities.

Council’s Acting Group Manager Community Services Krissy Trigg says: “It is very exciting to combine the two entities in one location. The merger will reduce costs, ensure the community has long term access to a wide range of services, and unlock the potential to increase the service offer in the future.”

All council services currently provided at the RSC will be available at the new community hub. This includes the Reefton Library, NZ Post, and Waka Kotahi/NZTA.

Ms Trigg says: “We will release more details on the layout and what will be changing in the coming weeks. This will include future car parking, accessibility to the site, layout of the centre and opening hours.”

Visitors will continue to be able to access visitor information, make bookings, and obtain advice for their stay in Reefton at the new service hub.

Graeme Neylon chairperson of Reefton Visitors Centre Inc. says: “We have closely collaborated with council on the merger and are pleased with the outcome. We see this as a hugely positive move for the Reefton community and its visitors.”

The RVC’s theatre and the exhibition area will remain part of the new service hub, but with a slightly changed layout. The ANZ ATM will stay at its current location in the RSC building.

Ms Trigg says: “Moving the RSC to its new location is planned to take a couple of days and will be undertaken with minimal interruptions for customers.”

The name of the new entity is yet to be decided. The Reefton community is invited to make name suggestions that resonate with the purpose of the new hub and the unique history of Reefton.

Ideas can be placed in boxes at the RSC and the RVC until Monday 31 October 2022. A panel will review the names and a winner will be selected.

Ms Trigg says: “Up to 21 November there will be little to no change at the RSC and the RVC and residents and visitors can expect business as usual.”

The amalgamation of the two service centers was consulted on as part of council’s Draft 2021 – 2031 Long Term Plan to create a “one stop shop” for the Reefton community.


For more information contact:
Acting Group Manager Community Services
Krissy Trigg
[email protected]