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Group Manager Regulatory Services resigns

23 Nov 2023

Buller District Council Chief Executive Officer Steve Gibling has accepted the resignation of Group Manager Regulatory Services Sean Judd this week. Mr Judd has been with council for the past five years. 

Throughout his time with council, Sean has been a pivotal part of the senior leadership team and is regarded highly by his colleagues, both locally and regionally.   

Mr Gibling says: “Sean has been instrumental in a number of significant pieces of work for council and has been a valued, trusted and respected advisor, manager and leader.” 

Recruitment for this role will begin early next week and planning is currently underway as to how the position can be covered in the interim transitional period. 

Mr Judd will be remaining in the district, having accepted a position with the Department of Conservation.  


For further information please contact: 
Chief Executive Officer  
Steve Gibling 
[email protected]