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High level of engagement in Council’s solid waste consultation

12 Sep 2023

The consultation window for Buller District Council’s consultation on proposed changes to solid waste management closed on Thursday 7 September at 4:30pm. 

Residents were invited to have their say on proposes changes to rubbish collection services and how that is paid for in collection zone one, between 7 August and 4 September 2023, which was extended to Thursday 7 September.  

Infrastructure delivery manager Eric de Boer says the consultation generated a lot of interest in the community.  

“In total, we received around 330 submissions, with preliminary data showing around 170 coming through in written form and almost 160 online. This is many more than we typically receive for a consultation and demonstrates the strength of feeling about the proposal in the community. 

“Our initial analysis shows that more than 70 per cent of submitters oppose or strongly oppose the proposal. 

“Further analysis of the data and comments provided by submitters will be handled by an external data research company to ensure the appropriate skills and expertise is applied. We have received a lot of written comments that we need to analyse to ensure objectivity and to extract all the useful themes and information from people’s suggestions.  

“The results of this data analysis will be released at a later date. We thank everyone who took the time to submit their views on the proposal. Many people put a lot of thought into their comments, and we want to respect that by taking the time to collate and consider them fully,” says Mr de Boer. 

In terms of next steps, a hearing date has been set down for 11 October. Council is in the process of contacting people who have indicated they wish to speak to their submissions in person. Around 30 people have signalled their intention to do so. Following that, councillors will workshop the consultation feedback and consider any changes as appropriate. They will also consider the terms of reference for a proposed Joint Committee to manage waste across the West Coast.  

The topic will further be considered at a full Council meeting in October or November.  


For further information please contact: 
Infrastructure Delivery Manager 
Eric de Boer 
[email protected]