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Personal reasons lead to Chief Executive Officer’s resignation.

14 Dec 2023

Buller District Council has officially accepted the resignation of Steve Gibling from his role as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective 29 March 2024. Mr Gibling, who joined the council as interim CEO on 21 August for a one-year term has made a strong impact during his tenure, which, though set to conclude earlier than anticipated due to personal circumstances, continues to be marked by his strong leadership and dedication. 

Reflecting on his upcoming departure, Mr Gibling shared, "Leaving my role as CEO at Buller District Council is a decision I've not taken lightly, especially considering the strong connections and support I've received here. The Mayor, councillors, Senior Leadership Team, management team and staff, alongside our invaluable partnerships with iwi, funders, and the community, have made my time here exceptionally fulfilling. This choice is driven by an opportunity to be closer to my family in Christchurch. As I move forward, I am grateful for the journey and the people who have made it memorable." 

Echoing this sentiment, Mayor Jamie Cleine stated, "Steve’s decision to prioritise his family is something we deeply respect and understand, especially given the challenges of commuting. Steve has significantly impacted the council in a remarkably short period with us. His contributions have greatly bolstered our team, and his ability to quickly grasp the complexity of the challenges our council is facing has been impressive.” 

Mr Cleine continues, “We are grateful for his dedication and the positive changes he has brought during his time with us. In light of these developments, the council has resolved to initiate recruitment for a permanent CEO without undue delay. We have established a working group who will work with a recruitment firm and aim to begin the search before Christmas. This process is essential to ensure a smooth transition and the continued success of our organisation." 


For further information please contact: 
Buller Mayor 
Jamie Cleine 
[email protected]