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West Coast Emergency Management and Buller District Council participate in the New Zealand ShakeOut

20 Oct 2023

West Coast Emergency Management and Buller District Council took part the New Zealand ShakeOut yesterday.  

ShakeOut takes place every year across the country to remind people of the right actions to take during an earthquake: Drop, Cover and Hold.  

If the earthquake is long and strong – Get Gone. Move immediately to the nearest high ground or as far inland as possible. 

To find your tsunami zone, check out West Coast Tsunami Evacuation Zones, or for other parts of the country go to 

We do ShakeOut exercises with our council to practice our preparations for an emergency. It helps us be better able to:  

  • Help keep staff safe and give them confidence in knowing what to do,
  • Mitigate the impact on lives and livelihoods,
  • Quickly get back up and running again to help our community after the event, 
  • Help protect equipment and facilities. 

West Coast Emergency Management encourages people to be prepared for an emergency at home or at work, to help yourself, your colleagues, your family, and friends in an emergency. 


For further information please contact: Janis Lennon EOCPublic Information Management Officer 
[email protected]