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Westport Water Trunk Main Replacement project on track

28 Feb 2023

An important phase of Council’s Westport Water Trunk Main Replacement project commences this week with the directional drilling along Stephen Rd ready to start.

The project is part of a critical investment strategy to replace Westport’s 100-year-old, 14” steel trunk main with a new 450mm and 400mm diameter PE100 drinking water pipeline.

Completed stages include the $4M DIA-funded 700m terrace section by WestReef Services Ltd and the 2km Stage 1A section by Hadlee & Brunton Ltd through to Scotts Bridge, which also incorporates the Pressure Reduction Valve assembly for improved network management.

The current 1.5km Stage 1B section from Scotts Bridge to Kew Rd includes drilling under private land and shots under the KiwiRail corridor to the north side of the railway tracks. This specialist work by Hadlee & Brunton Ltd is part of council’s $1.6M annual plan project due for completion in May.

Eric de Boer, manager infrastructure delivery says “Replacing the Westport and Carters Beach water supply trunk main has been a key corner stone project for council to ensure this critical lifeline is fit-for-future. It’s been fantastic to see a hard-working team take these significant steps forward on the replacement programme.”

The directional drilling work will occur over the coming weeks with appropriate traffic management plans in place. Road closures for Stephen Rd, between McKenna Rd and Scotts Bridge, will be in effect on weekdays to ensure site security and public safety around the drill rig activities.


For further information please contact:
Manager Infrastructure Delivery
Eric de Boer
[email protected]