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Order a property file

If you are interested in a property in the Buller District you can can order an electronic property file to view any information that is stored on the file. 

The property file is not a LIM and should not be used for legal purposes but can be a useful place to start if you have a property question and are unsure whether you need to seek further advice from the planning or building teams.

Property files held by Buller District Council were relocated to Christchurch in December 2021 for secure storage and for them to be progressively archived and digitised shifting to a hybrid model of hard copy and digital records.

Information held on property files will be supplied to requestors in electronic format via email usually within three to five working days.

Please wait for confirmation from Council that a property file exists before making a payment.

Vacant sections of land may not have an associated property file - in this case, applying for a LIM may be appropriate.

Ordering a property will incur a $50 charge per property file.

You can look up the valuation number of the property using WestMaps.

Order a property file form

Please not that if you request more than three files, please send an email to [email protected] with your name, email, phone number, preferred payment option, each properties valuation number and address.
Please indicate how you like to pay for your property file * You can pay Council by internet banking referencing your surname, and the property address as a reference what you are paying. Account Name: Buller District Council Bank: Westpac Branch: Westport Account Number: 03-0897-0084770-00 Cash and EFTPOS payments can be made in person at either our Westport or Reefton offices during opening hours. Please reference your surname and the property address when paying. You can also pay with your credit card at the Westport or Reefton offices either in person, or over the phone. Council charges for credit card transactions 1.4% bank fee for payments received over the counter and 1.8% bank fee for payments received over the phone. Please give us your surname and the property address when calling.